APRIL 27, 2011

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Tina Franetic, seconded by John Ayala.

Board of Directors in attendance: Tina Franetic, John Ayala,  Kathy Carlisle, Mike Hapsas.  22  people in attendance.

TREASURY REPORT: Bank balance operation as of 3/28/2011  $79,775                                     

                                      Bank balance wall account $23,008

                                      $7425 Accounts Receivable from  33 assessments not paid.


VIOLATIONS: Violations committee submitted 3 issues to management co.  Was given to attorney for review & response.  Letters being sent for pending violations by management co, 15th of each month.

ARCHITECTURE: Nothing to report 

TOWN OF DAVIE: Officer Elliott reported 2 burglaries from 1/01/2011 to present. Traffic &/or code issues can be emailed to Davie Police.

OLD BUSINESS:  Budget will be prepared by the new management company, as well as administrative duties. 

NEW BUSINESS:  Jay Mangel, representing new management company, Exclusive Property Management Franetic & Ryan Aboud, Backer Law Firm were present to go over homeowner concerns/issues.

Any budge questions are to be forwarded to the management co. 2010 tax filing has been extended, per management co.

Homeowner’s concern presented on current management co’s lack of response &/or turnaround time for violation submissions.  Jay Mangel, management co representative will address these issues with his office.

Attorney Ryan Aboud discussed with members of homeowners in attendance why violations not addressed.  Management co working on more timely manner.

Concerned homeowner questioned how to proceed/recourse if unhappy with current board.  Mr. Aboud, who represents board, cannot advise individual homeowners due to conflict of interest. 

Concerned homeowner asking for better board cooperation in releasing files. Mr. Aboud explained procedure on how to obtain documents & acceptable time frame involved.

Homeowner questioned why current management co rehired, based on prior work & why no bids for new co’s.   Board open to suggestions for next year.

Homeowner questioned if associations funds available to replace hedging on easement.  Contact Joe Jimenez, Town of Davie.  Town of Davie responsibility.

Homeowner questioned legality of when budget should be presented. Tina Franetic, President, explained again, no one was available to put budget together due to board members resignations.  Homeowner’s in attendance voiced that president doesn’t have to justify.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm by Tina Franetic, John Ayala seconded motion.

These minutes accepted & approved by Tina Franetic.