Ivanhoe Waverly Hundred HOA Meeting August 22, 2007


Meeting was called to order at 7:36 pm by Tina Franetic seconded by Jonathan Klein                           

Board of Directors in attendance: Tina Franetic, Jonathan Klein and Allan Hollinger

Three people in attendance.

Treasury Report was read by Jonathan Klein

                      Current Balance $75,395.78

No Deposits for July                                                      


Status of 2007 assessments: 1 outstanding payment


1 Liens placed : 6130 Hawkes Bluff Ave.



Violations- John and Carlos

     0 letters sent out (John)


Architecture-Frank not present at meeting - no report.


Facility Maintenance-Alan


     DEO said they will replace Crotons in entranceway. Regarding the tree that needs to be replaced, several landscaping companies were called and only two responded. Dave at DEO will be contacted to replace the tree. The landscaping was discussed, palm fronds from the trees have fallen on the ground, several plants are dead. The back entrance on Dykes Rd. is worse off than the front entrance. Some trees on Dykes Rd. are bending over.  The current landscaper is under an annual contract, contract can be broken with 30 days notice if need be. Present landscaper is the best we've had yet. Discussed the lighting looking good. Discussed the sprinklers, they turn on around 6am and are supposed to be maintained monthly but the maintenance company doesn't seem to come regularly to check them unless called to do so if something is broken. The Washingtonians were trimmed with no problems.

     Regarding the painting of the walls, one quote from Balestrieri Painting of Davie so far and expecting two more estimates from other companies. The quote consisted of cloroxing the walls, sealing the stucco, patching cracks and defects, painting all surfaces with Sherwin Williams paint, homeowners are expected to cut back trees and brush near walls, 5 year warranty on paint, will pressure clean the sidewalks also. Quote is $22,750. Will get more quotes this week. Discussed what color to paint the walls. Consensus was to paint the walls a light beige with a darker beige border as other Ivanhoe walls have been painted to stay in line with the rest of the associations.


Town of Davie-nothing to report




     Liability insurance came due and a check for $740.33 was issued.


New Business



     Discussed the petition for the barrier wall meeting August 28 coming up and hoping there will be a good turn out.


     Discussed the park ranger having to deal with a gate in Shenadoah at 7:30pm so we will not be able to meet at that

time anymore. The choices were at 7pm or 8pm. 8pm was chosen because members could not attend at the earlier time.


     Discussed what seems to be more dump trucks coming down Hawkes Bluff Ave. from the Sanitation Dept. The

filtering sand needs to be replaced now and then.


     Val O'Connor agreed to become secretary of the homeowner's association. Tina made the motion, Jonathan

seconded the motion, all in favor.



Meeti   Meeting adjourned at 8:07pm by Tina Franetic, Jonathan Klein seconded the motion.


These minutes accepted and approved by:________________________Date:



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