Waverly Hundred Homeowner’s Association, Inc.
Minutes of meeting December 23, 2004
Meeting came to order at 7:35 p.m. Those in attendance were Warren Hamer, Nancy Baker, Frank Milone with Jonathan Klein at 8:10 p.m.
Reading of previous minutes for the October meeting were read by Nancy Baker and approved and signed by Warren Hamer.
Warren Hamer presented the treasurer’s report with balance being $48,663.03. $2700 was spent on the trees and bubblers installed at Dykes Road with a savings of $300. Warren stated that the 2005 Budget to be $55,000 – to cover legal recoveries and notices, various landscaping requests, etc. We are allowed to have a contingency fund to cover wall reserve and any repairs. Money leftover from the $48,000 balance to be split - $27,000 for wall and $21,000 in contingency fund for any emergency. The assessment for 2005 is based on expenditures from last year and it was figured that $132. per household would do it.
A letter for police coverage of 4 hours once per week was presented. Warren addressed the raising of rates for police details – officer received $29.64 for first hour and $26.00 for every hour thereafter. Nancy questioned hourly rate – it was established that the rate is reasonable. Warren suggested 3 hours min per week to 4 hours per week. Warren estimated $18. per house extra to add to the assessment. Discussion with audience ensued – not just the traffic, visibility important factor. Frank made a motion to have the 2005 assessment at
$150. Jonathan agreed and Nancy seconded. Warren will follow same procedure for billing and collections as last year.Violations – Warren heard nothing from Alan – Warren sent out a few violations and will follow up re: a fence on Stone Tower, which is leaning and warped.
Frank had no requests for architecture, but received one at meeting from audience for approval on hurricane shutters.
Alan will receive information request for police coverage. The trees are done and paid for. Alan will check Ashby Field and Hawkes Bluff – light problem.
Nancy had no news re: Town of Davie.
Jonathan reported that insurance policies are all paid up. Still has no policy, but will call and get information for Warren.
Annual membership meeting to be January 26, 2005 – if we don’t have any nominations at this meeting, board sits as is. Jonathan will put information on website. One mailing will be done to send out assessment, General Meeting information, and proxy.
Old business proceeded with Chris Dellapietra. He has contacted Town officials and was told that the process had to be approved by the whole commission. Process takes 120 days from November 1. After the holiday he will inquire on how things are proceeding Expense of speed humps is $4,000, including study, etc.
Chris is going to try and reactivate Crime Watch. Warren can provide addresses – extra eyes and ears wouldn’t hurt – try to get information.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Read and accepted this day of , 2005 by .
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