Waverly Hundred HOA

Minutes of Meeting – February 22, 2006

Meeting called to order at 7:42 p.m.

Present: Warren Hamer, Jonathan Klein, and Nancy Baker

Minutes of previous meeting, January 25, 2006, read by Nancy, accepted by Warren and seconded by Jonathan.

Treasurer’s Report: Current Balance $86,595.24 –

It was mentioned that the Board needs to make assignments – People are needed to maintain status quo. It was said that Warren may be leaving due to personal and business matters and would not be able to continue in his seat on the Board. Nancy mentioned that she did not know how long she will be staying as her timeline to move to Tennessee might escalate. Jonathan will assist Warren with violations. It was also mentioned that space is needed to store HOA files. Jonathan mentioned renting a storage unit. Nancy made motion to research prices and storage facilities for records. Jonathan seconded the motion. He will investigate places.

Under "Old Business" - Landscape Project – DEO Landscaping – David presented proposal with price list with additional trees. He presented a computer presentation that showed various plants and bushes that would do well in the areas to be planted. He mentioned that elevations can be accommodated in the planters in front of the entrances so that all plants will be seen with definitive space. David mentioned problems with sprinklers in that they cannot do a good job and water is not reaching designated needed areas. Jonathan made motion to get cost for extra sprinkler zones on north sides of Dykes Road Entry. It was suggested that the elevation in the center island at Dykes Road be lowered so that there will be less water run off so that any flora planted will be able to grow better. David said that he would plant what would work and look good. His estimate for the whole job was $11,835.00 for initial planting, mulching then every six months on other areas per estimate attached. Jonathan made a motion to accept the proposal for initial planting of $11,835.00 as per estimate attached, to pay 35% downpayment now and balance due upon completion. Nancy seconded.

Jonathan made a motion to accept the Addendum to contract presented for an extra $150. additional money per visit as per attached. Warren seconded.

Further, it was expected the Mr. Sapp (Electrical) would come to this meeting with proposal.

Under further old business – Southern Bell filled the hole at the Stirling Road entrance. It was recognized that this got done through the assistance of Fred Ulloa.

Warren made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:52 p.m. and Jonathan seconded

Minutes approved and accepted this day of 2006

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