Ivanhoe Waverly Hundred HOA Meeting February 28, 2007
Meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm and held outside in the parking lot of the Community Center as center was not open.
Board of Directors in attendance: Tina Franetic, Allan Hollinger, John Ayala and Nancy Baker.
Nancy read minutes from January 24, 2007 meeting. Approved and accepted by Tina.
Jonathan not present therefore, no financial report was made.
Violations: Alan reported that he reported five violations to Jonathan and Jonathan sent letters. John A. said he did 5 or 6 and e-mailed them to Jonathan.
Landscaping: Alan reported that flowers in place. Sprinklers fixed by DEO and mulching done. Several members remarked that the landscaping looks nice.
Facility Maintenance: Alan reported electric proposal by Sunset Landscape Lighting LLC is local - a father and son company. They are fully licensed and insured. The consensus was that 75 lights are needed, which get completely sealed and greased, installed including bolts, lights and poled for $10,500, including 6 months service contract free. Mention was made about fluorescence bulbs as they are less expensive. Tina made motion to accept proposal, Nancy seconded. Alan will arrange to meet with Jonathan to get check.
Architecture: Frank not present at meeting - no report.
Town of Davie: Nancy had nothing to report.
Insurance: Jonathan not present - nothing to report.
Old Business: Parking issue tabled to next meeting. Alan added that concerned homeowners can call the BSO non emergency dispatcher at 954-765-4321 and give the address where parking is a problem. It was asked about the police officer detail regarding where and when. Alan explained the detail is done am, pm during rush hour for a 4 hour block one time per week. The officer gives a warning the first time and then a ticket thereafter. Alan mentioned to call the Chief regarding burglaries, extra patrol and Crime Watch. Alan said that when burglaries happen everyone is "up in arms", then when things quiet down, it tapers off. Homeowners need to keep eyes open.
New Business: None
Tina made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 p.m. - Nancy seconded - All in favor.
These minutes read and accepted and approved by: Tina Franetic March, 2007.
Note for file: After the meeting ended, the Town of Davie Park Ranger appeared. He was told that the meeting started at 7:00 p.m. No one was there so he did not unlock the doors to the Community Room. Tina informed him that he meeting was at 7:30 p.m. as always. He replied the only reason he stopped by after our meeting was over because he saw us standing out front. He gave Tina phone numbers: Park and Rec cell of 954-275-0504 and 954-797-1145 for Town in case the Community Room is not opened in the future.