Ivanhoe Waverly Hundred HOA Meeting February 27, 2008
Meeting was called to order at 7:34 pm by Tina Franetic, seconded by Val O'Connor.
Board of Directors in attendance: Jonathan Klein, Tina Franetic, Val O'Connor, John Ayala, Eduardo Martinez,
Alan Hollinger, Frank Milone and Dave Franks.
7 people in attendance.
Treasury Report was read by Jonathan Klein
Current Balance is $51,953.18
Received 50% of the assessments thus far.
Due February 29th.
Second week of March the late notices will go out.
Violations- John and Dave
Need to regroup. Have all the forms but need to update list. Talked about individual cases
regarding what needs to be done and what has been done.
Nothing to report. Frank did make a request to have the Declaration of Covenants rules regarding building
construction be put on the front index page of the website.
Facility Maintenance-Alan
The wall painter was paid his balance.
Lighting across from the park stays on late and needs to be adjusted. The post light on west side
of Stirling Rd. and the light on Ashby Field are out. The light on Stirling Rd. is on all day long.
On Ashby and Hawkes Bluff the top of the light is out. A lot of the light bulbs have been changed.
The wall behind one of the houses didn't get painted because the painter wasn't allowed to come
in the backyard. Sprinklers are still having some trouble. When there is a problem, the plants dry
up and the landscaper is called to come out and fix the sprinklers.
Impatiens look good on Dykes Rd. Everything was remulched.
Water restrictions are once a week so the sprinklers are only being turned on Thursdays.
On the east side of Stirling Rd. an FPL truck made a huge trench in the grass. FPL
was called and was requested come out and fill in the trench with sand but they haven't done so
yet and need to be called again. They did say that the flags can be pulled out of the ground on
the west side of that entrance that the utility people put down. The grass is being torn out by
the trucks at the water department on Gauntlet Hall and Watermill and need to be called to
inform them that they are ruining the homeowner's swail at the corner by their dept.
Town of Davie-nothing to report
Insurance-Jonathan-nothing to report
New Business
It was suggested that signs be put up at the canals stating Fishing For Residents Only as Rock Creek has
on their canals. The Town of Davie needs to be called regarding this.
We discussed the matter of the peeping tom that is frequenting our neighborhood. Alan mentioned that
he was in traffic court recently and bumped into the peeping tom along with his wife and attorney and had
a conversation with them. It turns out he has a long list of violations against him and we are all hoping he
will be put away. Alan thinks he put enough fear in this guy as to not return to our neighborhood in the
future. We will see. Meanwhile, keep your eyes open, your doors locked and call the police if you see
anything unusual going on. Call the Broward Sheriff Dept. at 954-765-4321.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm by Tina Franetic, Val O'Connor seconded the motion.
These minutes accepted and approved by: _Tina Franetic_______________________
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