Waverly Hundred Homeowner’s Meeting

January 28, 2004

Meeting called to order at 7:37 p.m. by Warren Hamer

Those present: Warren Hamer, Nancy Baker, Alan Hollinger and Fred Uloa. Jonathan Klein – out of town

Nine homeowners present in audience.

Meeting began with Warren welcoming all and explains that this is an Annual Meeting, 10% of the homeowners are represented through proxies of 31, therefore the meeting is valid. He mentioned that we did not have an annual meeting last year as there were not enough proxies. Board was grandfathered in last year.

Treasury Report - $44,783.08 – carry over from last year continues of $760. Warren mentioned that we have come out pretty good. 176 homeowners have paid assessment plus 10 more received equals 186 - collected 2 more by hand equals 189. Warren said that new bills will be going out with a $25. late fee in about a week.


Allen Hollinger nominated Dan Massa who has been at Waverly Hundred for about 3 years.

Warren Hamer nominated Frank Malone who has been in Waverly Hundred since inception.

Warren Hamer nominated Teresa Rourke who has also been in Waverly Hundred since it began amd has been a past Board member. Teresa was nominated through a proxie nomination as her husband was in attendance at the meeting. Warren had sent her an e-mail and she accepted.

Allen Hollinger, Nancy Baker, Warren Hamer and Jonathan Klein accepted nominations. Fred Uloa declined his.

Warren asked if there were any other nominations for the Board. All were accepted for the Board. None opposed.

Warren mentioned that normally there is a meeting in 10 business days to choose the responsibilities, however for the sake of expediency the following will have these positions.

Warren Hamer – President and Treasurer

Nancy Baker – Vice president and Liaison to the Town of Davie

Teresa Rourke – Secretary

Alan Hollinger – Plant maintenance

Frank Malone – Construction and approvals (Fred will assist him)

Jonathan Klein – Webmaster and insurance

Dan Massa – Violations with Alan and Warren assisting

Old business:

Insurance: In 2002 money was used and spent without proper authorization. Since that time the Board has been working to get the money back through insurance. Finally the insurance company issued a check for $42,000.

Jonathan has a list of projects that need to done, such as

  1. 1. upgrading lights at entrances
  2. 2. lower plants in front of the Ivanhoe lettering
  3. 3. landscaping improvements
  4. 4. paint walls – clean and prime – it was asked that color be discussed at next meeting.

Homeowner fencing: behind Sedgewyck Circle North and South, Dykes – Hawkes Bluff, both sides of Ashby Field – questions arose as to who is responsible for maintaining fence – walls.

Questions arose as to whether a letter could be sent to City of Sunrise regarding fencing abutting the City of Sunrise’s property. Alan suggested replacing fencing with chain link, especially Pat’s, a homeowner, whose fence was evaluated by the City of Sunrise – it needs to be replaced – they created the problem – they should replace it.

Alan will compose a letter to the City of Sunrise to request fixing the fence and will suggest strongly chain link at water treatment plant and park area.

Warren will put together a letter to attorney to find who is responsible for fence.

Security: Mention was made about security and having gates installed at the entrances. Because the streets are public, and the park is public, no gates

can be installed. Security cameras, off duty police, were mentioned as ways to offset crime that has been prevalent in the area. Dan Massa will look into security for the development.

Speed humps: Nancy will get information from Town of Davie.

It was mentioned about having a police officer hired to cut down on speeders. Also, to have a stop sign installed at Ashby Field Road and Hawkes Bluff to cut down on speeders going north from the park.

Warren thanked Fred Uloa for his services for the past years in taking care of approvals for construction in the Association.

Warren made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Pat seconded, all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

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