Waverly Hundred Homeowner’s Association, Inc.
Minutes of meeting January 26, 2005
Meeting came to order at 7:45 p.m. Introduction and attendance of the Board was made by: Warren Hamer: President, Nancy Baker: Vice President and Town of Davie Liaison, Teresa Rourke: Secretary, Frank Milone: Architecture, Jonathan Klein: Web Master with Alan Hollinger: Manager of Land, Lights and Violations in absentia.
Warren Hamer stated that the main thrust of the meeting was the nomination and elections of 2005 Board
Reading of previous minutes for the December meeting were read by Nancy Baker. Accepted by Warren, approved by Frank, Jonathan seconded. Minutes signed by Warren Hamer.
Warren Hamer presented the treasurer’s report with balance being $68,303.64. Warren stated that the 2005 Budget to be $55,000. Money leftover from the $48,000 balance to be split - $27,000 for wall and $21,000 in contingency fund for any emergency. Mention was made of continued police patrols, the cost being relatively inexpensive at $18.00 per household per year. The assessments continue to be mailed in of which $21,150 has been collected so far. However, as of 1/26/05 $24,750 has been deposited. We have $19,200 to go. As of 1/26/05, 190 out of 293 homes have paid.
Violations – Warren stated that it was not a bad year for violations. There was mention of a grass situation at 6320 Sedgewick Circle West. Warren will check grass being gouged, palm tree problem (it looks diseased). Discussion ensued that when new homeowners move in, that the by-laws are passed from old owner to new. Homeowners can also check the website. We can also print by-laws, but there will be a charge. Further discussion was made from a homeowner regarding noise problem and whether it is a civil or HOA issue. Board consensus was for the homeowner to call the police and h.o. needs to get neighbors involved. The Board advised h.o. to document each and every incident, contact the Sergeant on the P.D. if no satisfaction ensues from patrol. Also, to e-mail Chief of Police.
Meeting continued with the Board nominations and voting, if necessary. Since there were no nominations, the Board will sit "as is". All accepted. Audience thanked the Board for doing a good job.
The rat problem came to light again. It was believed that FPL did the traps. Teresa can check minutes to see who we can contact. Warren will contact Freddy Uloa for rat information.
Frank had no reports regarding architecture requests.
Nancy had no news re: Town of Davie.
Jonathan reported that insurance policies are all paid up. Still has no policy, but will pursue
One homeowner in the audience suggested a family day. A get-together , picnic to meet with neighbors, etc. The Board said it was a nice idea, but reality is trying to get homeowners to even attend meetings. That in the past, giveaways were done to encourage attendance at meetings but attendance was still low.
Homeowner in audience mentioned the right side of Dykes Road entrance were missing flowers. Warren will contact Alan to rectify situation.
Motion made to adjourn meeting, all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Read and accepted this day of , 2005 by .