Waverly Hundred HOA
Minutes of Meeting – January 26, 2006
Meeting called to order at 7:42 p.m. (As a note 13 homeowners attended)
Present: Warren Hamer, Jonathan Klein, Frank Milone, Teresa Rourke as proxy taker, and Nancy Baker
Warren introduced the sitting Board of Warren Hamer, President/Treasurer, Nancy Baker, Vice Pres/WHHA Rep to Davie, Jonathan Klein, Webmaster; Frank Milone, Construction and Alan Hollinger (in absentia), Property Maintenance/Violations. He mentioned that Teresa Rourke who was secretary resigned. He related that since there are no nominees to sit on the Board, the Board will sit as is. It was asked of the audience that if anyone was interested in being on the Board to please let the Board know. "Tina" Darlene Franetic said she would like to help.
Due to focus of proceeding rapidly with meeting, minutes were not read.
Treasurer’s Report: Current Balance $68,521.26 – Warren mentioned water bill not paid, that 93 homeowners had paid assessment and 18 were received day of meeting – 1/25/06.
Robert Giordana – from Hawkes Bluff of Hawkes Bluff Crime Watch, next meeting is February 28, 7:30 p.m. Tiffany Richards is the Liaison for Town of Davie P.D. Two cars patrol all of Ivanhoe. Stated that crime in the area is not bad compared to rest of Davie. Gated community really doesn’t deter crime. Most important thing is US – neighbors report anything suspicious. Remember that police number is 954/693-8200.
He also mentioned that trees are being given out free at CB Smith Park this weekend from 10am - 3 p.m until supplies are gone.
Mr. Giordana also mentioned that the chances of the building of a sound wall are grim –not until 2025.
Southern Bell hole on Stirling Road entrance. Nancy contacted them by e-mail. Awaiting to hear word via e-mail or phone.
Landscape Project – DEO Landscaping – contract all inclusive sprinklers, landscaping, cleanup, trees fixed. Dave to show plans at next meeting – laptap not working . He suggested plants that can take full sun. He mentioned lowering elevation on Dykes Road Island as water rolls off. Warren suggested continuing to next month to see presentation. David mentioned that the hole on Stirling Road, if not filled, will cause the concrete border to cave in. It was suggested to call Town of Davie if Southern Bell does not take action soon!
David mentioned that Alan asked if he knew of an electrician who could handle the problems we have with lighting. He introduced Ray Sapp of Sapp Electrical who presented a proposal - $200 per month to run through and check light bulbs – needs $400
to get started to replace fixtures. Warren asked that a run through be done 4 times a month. Talked about other fixtures that need fixing/replacing. Has worker’s comp and liability insurance. Jonathan will check insurance and will give quote for proposal. Jonathan made a motion to accept this proposal and Frank seconded. Warren wants to make final note on contract next month.
Nancy reported on fencing at 15430 Gauntlet Hall Manor. City of Sunrise said there is work order done and we should see results in 30-45 days. Pat will let us know if anything has happened end of February meeting.
Fred Uloa mentioned a rumor that the Town is waiving permits for certain Hurricane repairs such as fencing, roofing, garage doors.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Jonathan motioned, Frank seconded.
Minutes approved and accepted this day of 2005