Ivanhoe Waverly Hundred HOA Meeting January 24, 2007


Meeting was called to order at 7:53 pm by Tina Franetic 2nd by Jonathan Klein                           

Board of Directors in attendance: Tina Franetic, Jonathan Klein, Frank Milone, Allan Hollinger, John Ayala (in audience) and Nancy Baker.

(While waiting for meeting to begin in that a proxy was needed, Rene from Vice Mayor Wexler's office made a presentation to homeowners and gave a 2006 Guide to Government Services. She can get more if needed. Also, Marlon Luis made a presentation. He is running Council District 4 in the seat that Judy Paul is leaving.

Nancy read minutes from November 13, 1006 meeting. Approved and accepted.

Jonathan related a balance of $60,666.46, which was the balance as of 12/31/06, copy attached and $68,401.63 balance as of 1/24/07.

Violations: Many violations were not served due to Holiday Break. Jon has been giving violations to homeowners on Dykes Road side. Jon made mention that all this work is on a volunteer basis. Mention was made of getting a management company to perform duties of the Board.

Landscaping: Alan mentioned flowers replaced and sprinklers checked and fixed. If sprinkler heads need replacing, will do.

Facility Maintenance: Since the present (Gold Coast) company is not reliable, Alan called several companies to come out and give estimates. He stated that many were not interested. However, Moody Plumbing and Irrigation gave an estimate of $16.50 per pop and $45 for rotors, etc. Noted that there is a problem with the time clock - wrong kind - needs to  be replaced. Alan brought the contract to the meeting and made a motion to accept Moody Plumbing and Irrigation's contract, Jonathan seconded, all in favor. Alan read a proposal from Meli Electric which detailed light proposal. No upgrades. Replacing lights would be $12,375. Mr. Goodson in the audience volunteered his experience (electrical) to go with Al and check systems. Jonathan motioned to review electric with Mr. Goodson, Meli Electric and Alan. Alan will call to make arrangements for a meeting.

Architecture: Frank mentioned he approved a roof and a fence.

Town of Davie: Nancy had nothing to report. Pat Goodson from audience mentioned street humps on Hawkes Bluff. Nancy advised that she talked with Town and area not qualified for it. Tina suggested going to a Town meeting. She will go, but not alone. She mentioned that 40 people needed.

New Business: Joe asked for nominations as Board short. Eduardo Martinez of 6325 Hawkes Bluff Ave. nominated. Board will comprise of: Tina Franetic, Jonathan Klein, Nancy Baker, Allan Hollinger, Frank Milone,  John Ayala and now Eduardo Martinez. Jonathan requested that Carlos Hirsch's name be removed due to lack of attendance. Tina seconded - all in favor.

Old Business: Rules and Regs: Discussion on parking problems and how to solve them ensued Review of commercial vehicles discussed and reviewed. It was decided that adjustments needed. Jonathan will modify and bring to next meeting.


Tina made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. - Nancy seconded - All in favor.

These minutes read and accepted and approved by: Tina Franetic this 28 day of February, 2007.

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