Ivanhoe Waverly Hundred HOA Meeting January 23, 2008


Meeting was called to order at 7:47 pm by Tina Franetic, seconded by Jonathan Klein.

Board of Directors in attendance: Jonathan Klein, Tina Franetic, Val O'Connor, John Ayala, Eduardo Martinez

and Alan Hollinger

       6 people in attendance.


Treasury Report was read by Jonathan Klein

                      Current Balance is approximately $60,500.00.

                        Last year's balance was $42,000.00


Pressure cleaner was pd. The painter is owed his balance.

Received 90 assessments thus far with 203 outstanding.

Collected $18,900.00 with $42,630.00 remaining. Due at the end of February.

Second week of March the late notices will go out.


Town of Davie has just started to charge for the meeting room at $300.00 a year and we

got our time of 7:30 back for our meetings.


8 Proxy's were submitted but there was not enough people in attendance to vote for the

Board of Directors so everyone will remain as they were.                                              


Violations- John

                       Several letters have been sent out. 

                       Dave Franks present at the meeting was requested to join the board of directors to help with the

                       violations. Tina made a motion and Jonathan seconded the motion to have him come aboard.



     Not in attendance


Facility Maintenance-Alan


                      Wall is finished being painting. Sprinklers are still having some trouble.

                      Stirling Rd. Impatiens look bad, Dykes Rd. Impatiens look good.

                      Water restrictions are once a week but the landscaper was told to sprinkle twice a week.

                      The Royal Palm cost $2,000 to install.

                      Sensors were taped over and painted over which made the light bulbs stay n 24 hours a day and

                      burnt out a lot of light bulbs.

                      Lawn maintenance is normal.

                     Walls looks good, the sidewalks as well as the big rocks were pressure cleaned.


Town of Davie-nothing to report


Insurance-Jonathan-up to date


New Business


                     Updating email list with the new assessments. Someone inquired about the sound wall status.

                     Everyone was told to look at the website for information. Discussed what happens with violations

                     after they go out in the mail. Someone made a phone call and got the Ashby Field Rd. pothole fixed.

                     Two foreclosures are going through. Residents get several chances and time and letters before any

                     legal action is taken.  It is very important to all of the homeowners collectively that we keep our

                     neighborhood in the best possible condition that we can, which in turn helps keep the values of our

                     homes intact.



Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm by Jonathan Klein, Tina Franetic seconded the motion.



These minutes accepted and approved by: Tina Franetic



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