Ivanhoe Waverly Hundred HOA Meeting January 27, 2010
Meeting was called to order at 7:34 pm by Tina Franetic. seconded by Val O'Connor.
Board of Directors in attendance: Tina Franetic, Val O'Connor, John Ayala, and Frank Milone.
7 people in attendance.
Treasury Report - Val O'Connor
Bank Balance as of Jan. 27th $64,406.09
checks written for Nov. and Dec. $16,638.68
Assessments and the new budget went out in December. So far 73
assessment checks have come in.
Facility Maintenance - Val O'Connor
The Royal Palm tree on the Stirling Rd. entrance was removed and replaced
and doing quite well. The sprinkler pump was moved out of the homeowner's
backyard who lives at the Dykes Rd. entrance. The graffiti was painted over
on the Stirling Rd. entrance wall. There were 24 light bulbs out this month and in
December at the different entrances. The nurseries had a lot of plants die
because of the cold weather so we haven't gotten any more plants in our
entrances as yet. The timer was tampered with which changed the frequency
of watering on Stirling entrance and need to be adjusted and reset. The
landscaper mentioned getting a lock for the timer box. New no soliciting signs
and crime watch signs were ordered and installed at both entrances. Dogs
allowed on leashes only signs were installed by the Davie Park Rangers. The
water management engineers were contacted regarding the rusted out grate
by the canal under the bridge on Stirling Rd. by the entrance. They said they
believe it is our problem and they were told no it's theirs. So now we wait to
see if they will replace it.
Violations- It was discussed whether Exclusive Property Management should have been
at this annual meeting. We also mentioned that we haven't gotten a report in the
past couple of months so we are not aware of what is being reported. It will be
looked into.
A screened enclosure with an aluminum roof installed was just approved. It was
discussed whether paint colors were looked at before approving them.
Town of Davie-Tina
Nothing to report.
Nothing to report.
New Business
It was requested by the homeowner on the other side of the wall that was
painted over by graffiti to have a security light installed overseeing that area by
the wall but it was voted down by the residents at the meeting. FP&L would have
charged $12.00 per month for it and it was mentioned that the light could possibly
bother other residents. The Town of Davie said that they would trim the trees back
in that area as well as across the street at Hawkes Bluff development since the trees
are growing out and have left a very secluded place for the graffiti artists to do their
paintings. Sherwin Williams was contacted to come out next month for our February
meeting and to make a paint suggestion book for people to use when picking the
colors of paint for the exterior of their houses. We discussed how to go about getting
proxies filled out to change the by laws hopefully by our next meeting. We discussed
telephoning, email, mail, and door to door. Door to door seemed like the best solution
so hopefully this month we can pull it all together. Ellis Traub, a retired Eastern Airlines
pilot, who is facing District 4 Councilman Marlon Luis in the race March 10th for
councilman, would like to attend our meeting in February to introduce himself.
Meeting adjourned at 8:34 pm by Tina Franetic, Val O'Connor seconded the motion.
These minutes accepted and approved by: Tina Franetic