JANUARY 26, 2011


Meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm by Tina Franetic, seconded by Val O’Connor.

Board of Directors in attendance: Tina Franetic, John Ayala, Val O’Connor, Kathy Carlisle.  11 people in attendance.


TREASURY REPORT: Bank balance operation $35,194.88

                                      Bank balance wall account $22,005.51


FACILITY MAINTENANCE: Per Julie, Pan American, equipment repairs being made on a couple of their machines, resulting in delay of fixing some sprinklers, lights & providing new landscaping.

VIOLATIONS: After 4th violation, attorney fees will NOT be forgiven. Very important for homeowner to stay in contact with board before violations get this far.  Board will work with homeowner as much as possible if homeowner stays in contact.

ARCHITECTURE: Mike Hapsas newly elected. 

TOWN OF DAVIE: New sign at each entrance urging residents to lock your car & remove personal belongings to deter potential losses.

OLD BUSINESS:  No meeting was held the month December due to holidays.

NEW BUSINESS:  No new elections were held due to no proper forum.  A minimum of 30 attendees are needed. Mike Hapsas will be replacing Frank Malone as director of Architecture.  Congratulations Mike! 

Val O’Connor will be replacing Bob Serrone as VP/Treasurer. Welcome back Val!

A committee for proxy was formed to oversee violations.  This committee will report violations to the property management company, who in turn will notify property owner.  Val O’Connor & Tina Franetic will be working with property management company to reduce costs.

All of the above voted on & approved by attendees & board.

Meeting adjourned at 8:22 pm by Tina Franetic, Val O’Connor seconded.



These minutes accepted & approved by Tina Franetic.


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