Ivanhoe Waverly Hundred HOA Meeting July 28, 2010




Meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm by Tina Franetic. seconded by John Ayala.


Board of Directors in attendance: Tina Franetic, John Ayala, Bob Serrone, and Frank Garcia and Kathy Carlisle 58 people in attendance.




Treasury Report – Bob Serrone


·         Bank Balance operating $59,647.38


·         Bank balance wall account $22,000.00






Facility Maintenance – Frank reported that palms at Stirling entrance              




Violations- Representative from EPM not at the meeting, it was agreed that Kristen will come to one meeting a quarter to

keep expenses down.  Current report was available for review.



Architecture- nothing to report


Town of Davie-nothing to report


Insurance due - September 2010



Old Business  


 In response to the letter sent to each homeowner with proxy for special assessment. There were 58 votes 54 against, 4 yes

 majority vote no against hiring off duty officers to patrol the neighborhood.   



New business


·         Recommendation for a volunteer crime watch committee (Janet) to head it up


·         Retired police officer (Mario Loainza & Carlos ) offered their services to go home to home with suggested

       safety recommendation to deter thefts


·         Also suggested that everyone logs on to KeepDaviePolice.com with our support 


·         Use of flash e-mail communication


·         Utilizing the WaverlyHundred.org website to communicate                                 


Meeting adjourned at 8:31pm by Tina Franetic, John Aylala seconded the motion. 


These minutes accepted and approved by:  Tina Franetic 

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