Ivanhoe Waverly Hundred HOA Meeting June 25, 2008
Meeting was called to order at 7:33 pm by Tina Franetic, seconded by Val O'Connor.
Board of Directors in attendance: Tina Franetic, Val O'Connor, Alan Hollinger, John Ayala, and Eduardo Martinez.
2 people in attendance.
Treasury Report - Jonathan Klein
Jonathan not at the meeting but reported current bank balance is $78,320.00
Two assessment checks were received from the attorney.
Facility Maintenance-Alan
Alan contends that the landscaping looks great at the entranceways and that we
are up to par with Hawkes Bluff 's entranceways. Our sprinkler
system keeps breaking down, the time clock keeps blowing from the power failures
and then the plants start dying. Hopefully the sprinklers are working correctly now.
David, our landscaper was present at the meeting to get our ideas and suggestions
for plants that he can use for the entranceways. We all gave him our suggestions
and he said he would follow through with them. Hopefully we will be happier with
the plants we suggested that don't require as much water. He said he would replace
the Crotons with Ginger and that he would rotate Impatients with begonias and would
add Crown of Thorns throughout and add some Agavas. He said that he mulches twice
a year, anything more than that builds up too much. He said two years ago all the
soil was removed and replaced.
A car crashed into the big rock at the Stirling Rd. entranceways and knocked out all
the lights. They will all be back in order in two weeks time.
The wall that the painter couldn't get to, when he painted everyone elses' walls, was
painted and the bill came to $350.00 for the 100 foot wall.
Violations- John, Eduardo and Dave
Colors of paint are an issue that we discussed. Discussed whether we should try to
change our by-laws but decided not to. It seems that some people like to try to take
more liberty with the freedom of choice that is not necessarily the choice of the
majority. If it gets to outlandish it will have to be dealt with, the homeowner will be
asked to repaint their house to a more suitable color.
The van is still parked on Old Moat Rd. on the front lawn and the grass is growing
very high around it. The homeowner is totally ignoring the letters asking him to
do something about it.
The directors of violations are still having problems keeping up with the demands of
time it takes to process the violations and the follow up letters.
Frank not at the meeting - Nothing to report.
Town of Davie-Tina
Tina ordered and picked up the Fishing for Ivanhoe Residents Only signs and will be
installing them in shortly on Ashby Fields Rd. by the canal.
Jonathan not at the meeting - Nothing to report
New Business
We discussed what we should discuss when the Mayor comes to one of our meetings.
It was suggested that we should ask him to come to our September meeting when most
people are back from their vacations. Some topics that were suggested were the sound
wall update, getting speed humps, more police patrols through our neighborhood, and
crime watch.
Tina said she would contact Robert Giordano about Crime Watch.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm by Val O'Connor, Tina Franetic seconded the motion.
These minutes accepted and approved by: _________________
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