Ivanhoe Waverly Hundred HOA Meeting June23, 2010
Meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm by Tina Franetic. seconded by John Ayala.
Board of Directors in attendance: Tina Franetic, John Ayala, Bob Serrone, and Frank Garcia 17 people in attendance.
Treasury Report – Bob Serrone
Bank Balance as of $84,895.07
Checks written: FP&L and City of Sunrise
Facility Maintenance – Frank reported that landscape is looked well and he had created a chart of the area mapping out and labeling where each light fixture is located to facilitate exactly where a problem is located
Violations- Representative from EPM went over outstanding violations and we discuss that third time violators should now be forwarded to attorney for appropriate action.
Architecture- on vacation
Town of Davie-Handed out copies of police reports for the area and discussed having Luis Malone
Due 7/1/2010
It was discussed that we will hire off duty officers to patrol our neighborhood, but that we will have to follow proper procedures and obtain appropriate HO votes to agree to using reserved fund temporarily then increasing our assessment fee for 2011 to accommodate the new services. We also elected a new secretary Kathie Carlisle. Agreed to send a letter to each homeowner with proxy for special assessment.
Meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm by Tina Franetic, John Aylala seconded the motion.
These minutes accepted and approved by: Tina Franetic