June 25, 2014



Call to order:


By:​​Tina Franetic

Time:​​7:34 p.m.

Location:​ Ivanhoe Community Center


Board Members Present:

Val O’Connor

Tina Franetic

John Ayala

Paul Hinden


Board Members Absent:

Josephine Milone


It was announced that a quorum was present.


Representing Miami Management: Nancy DeFazio, CAM


Confirmation of proper meeting notice:


The notice of the June 25, 2014 Board of Directors Meeting was posted on the property more than 48 hours prior to the meeting.


Management presented a synopsis of the financial statement.


A violation report was submitted with the Management Report. There was discussion on pending violations which included the roosters, the home on Abbott’s Mill Road with the tarp and numerous vehicles.


Management advised that the tree trimming was completed by the perimeter wall on Dykes Road.



Motion to approve the minutes from the Board of Directors Meeting’s held on May 28, 2014 with changes (remove garbage cans and mailboxes unless they are in need of critical repairs):


Motion:​ Tina Franetic

Second:​ Val O’Connor

Carried: ​Unanimous


Directions To Management:

Provide an update on the tarp on the home on Abbott’s Mill Road.

Provide an update on the eviction.

Letter for the bamboo fence needs to be sent.



The Board opened the floor to address questions or concerns from owners in attendance.


There being no further business to discuss, a Motion was made to adjourn at 8:17 p.m.


Motion:​ Tina Franetic

Second:​ John Ayala

Carried:​ Unanimous


I hereby certify that the minutes of the June 25, 2014 Board of Directors Meeting have been approved with _____ or without_____ corrections