Waverly Hundred HOA
Minutes of Meeting – March 22, 2006
Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m.
Present: Warren Hamer, Jonathan Klein, Frank Milone and Nancy Baker
A. Minutes of previous meeting, February 22, 2006, read by Nancy, accepted by Warren and seconded by Jonathan.
B. Treasurer’s Report: Current Balance $92,944.15
Status of 2006 assessment collections – 21 late assessement letters went out. One letter was for $186+25+9. Bank charges for one returned and one payment with no check.
C. Violations – Warren had none to report, really no time to do them between work and moving. Warren asked Jon to get with Allan about violations as Jon will take over Warren’s area of violations.
D. Architecture – Frank had nothing to report – He requested reimbursement for paper and postage.
E. Facility Maintenance – No report from Alan – Warren mentioned DEO talking with Alan to check on SAPP electrical and status of fixing/replacing light fixtures.
F. Town of Davie – Nancy had nothing to report.
G. Insurance – Jonathan mentioned policy not due until summer.
H. Old Business – Jon waiting for quote regarding sprinklers. On landscape improvement, Warren sent check as part of payment.
Jonathan talked about storage for files. He said he had a list of prices for storage facility but left it at home. He will bring it to next meeting. Estimated cost is $500 plus or minus. Frank made a motion to get the storage facility and Jon seconded – all in favor.
Since Warren has had to resign from the Board, he introduced Darlene aka Tina Franetic to volunteer on the board. Frank made a motion to have Tina on the Board, Nancy seconded. Assignments were done as follows:
Tina Franetic - President, Nancy Baker, Vice-President, Nancy – Secretary, Jonathan Klein- Treasurer and Estoppel letters, Jon /Alan - Violations, Alan Hollinger – Maintenance and Frank Milone – Architecture.
Since it was suggested that Tina be President, her first order of business was to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m. Frank made motion and Jon seconded.
Minutes approved and accepted this day of 2006