Ivanhoe Waverly Hundred HOA Meeting May 28, 2008


Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Val O'Connor, seconded by Alan Hollinger.

Board of Directors in attendance: Val O'Connor, Alan Hollinger, John Ayala, Eduardo Martinez and Dave Franks.

      6 people in attendance.


Treasury Report - Jonathan Klein


                                               Jonathan  not at the meeting - Nothing to report


Violations- John, Eduardo and Dave

                       13 letters were sent out. Several violations were looked at taken care of.

                       A violation letter was sent out and now a board member, a neighbor of the violator,

                       is being harassed

                       by different members of the family and it has become so bad the police had to be called.

                       One of the board members said that the letters were too time consuming for him to be

                       able to continue so the others will have to pick up the slack. First a violation letter has

                       to be sent out, then a courtesy letter goes out, then a second letter goes out, and then

                       it goes to the attorney.



                      Frank not at the meeting - Nothing to report.


Facility Maintenance-Alan


                      The sprinklers had been broken and a new timer and a control valve costing $495

                      on Dykes Rd. had to be replaced. The entrances were mulched.

                      Some board members thought the plants look good at the entranceways and others

                      think the plants look terrible.

                      We discussed the landscaper coming to the next meeting, since he couldn't make it

                      to this one, and that we would give him some suggestions of plants that don't require

                      much water.



Town of Davie-Tina

                     Tina not at the meeting - Nothing to report


                     Val was given an association list from the Town of Davie to edit out one of the

                     resident's name as contact and replace it with a board member.



                    Jonathan  not at the meeting - Nothing to report


New Business

                      We discussed the break ins in our area. The victims of the Old Moat Ashby Field

                      break in were present at the meeting. They said the robber used a glass cutter to

                      break through the dining room window.  The police were called right away. They

                      had a UPS package left on their porch and someone came and ripped it open and

                      took the contents of the package. 

                     A lot of people are fishing on Ashby Field from all over and the fishing signs for

                     residents of Waverly Hundred are imperative now with all the break ins of late.

                     Crime Watch was suggested to be implemented again.           



Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm by Val O'Connor,  John Ayala seconded the motion.



These minutes accepted and approved by: Tina Franetic


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