Waverly Hundred Homeowner’s Association, Inc.

Minutes of meeting: November 13, 2006 7:45 p.m.


 Jonathan Klein, Tina Franetic, Frank Milone and Nancy Baker present.

Note: Because there was no meeting in October, and November’s meeting would fall the night before

Thanksgiving, that the December meeting would fall during the Holidays, it was necessary to have an

interim meeting this date at Frank Milone’s house.

Jonathan related a balance of $64, 311.95, of which $21,000 was contingency and $28,000 wall fund.

There is a $9400 carry over. Not all monies in budget were used for lighting, but more money used in

other areas. Figuring on $58,380 for budget divided by 293 homeowners equals $167.

A note was made to talk with Dave at DEO about sprinklers and water.

Jonathan made a motion that $180. be required for the assessment. Tina seconded – all in favor.

Jonathan said that the Assessment letter, nomination sheet, proxy sheet would be going out in the mail.

Jonathan started working on the newsletter. Board present reviewed – great job. He also said that this

information in preparation for the January Board meeting would have to be mailed in a large envelope

since there was so much information and it would make mailing easier: that the mailing would be done

before January 1. Also, that printing could be done a Kinko’s and meter the mail.

Mention was made that more volunteers are needed to serve on the Board

No report for maintenance and landscaping.

No report for Town of Davie.

Violations: 49 violations – Jonathan will write letters for now. Mention was made that hurricane shutters

need to be removed.

Jonathan mentioned that the rules and guidelines need to be sent to the attorney for review.

If attorney approves, the item will be entered at the January 24 meeting.

Tina made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:49 p.m. – Nancy seconded – All in favor.

These minutes read and accepted by _______________________this ___________day of January, 2007.

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