Ivanhoe Waverly Hundred HOA Meeting November 26, 2008


Meeting was called to order at 7:29 pm by Tina Franetic, seconded by Val O'Connor.

Board of Directors in attendance: Tina Franetic, Val O'Connor, Jonathan Klein, John Ayala  and Eduardo Martinez.

     12 people in attendance.


Treasury Report - Jonathan Klein



                       End of month Bank Balance is $61,971.33

                       9 checks written in the amount of $2,900.83, one deposit of $753.52

                       There is 1 outstanding assessment for 2008

                       The 2009 budget was emailed to the board for approval and assessments will go out in

                       December. The projected annual assessment per household for 2009 is $172.00. There is

                       an overage from 2008 so it is not necessary to make the assessment any higher.


Facility Maintenance-Alan   Not at the meeting

                     The light posts at the Stirling Rd. entrance were replaced with smaller fixtures and it was

                     decided to return them and to order the more expensive larger fixtures to match what we had

                     before. It will take another 6 weeks to get them and to have them installed since they have

                     to be special ordered.  28 bulbs at the entranceways were replaced and timers will replace

                     the photocells that haven't been working properly.

                     It was decided to have the sidewalks pressure cleaned professionally twice a year and the

                     board voted, Val O'Connor made a motion and it was seconded by Tina Franetic. 

                     The palm frongs at the entrances are falling and breaking the lights underneath them. The

                     trees have to be cleaned up before they fall to the ground.


Violations- John, Eduardo

                    Four courtesy letters and two legal letters written



                     Not at the meeting.


Town of Davie-Tina

                     Nothing to report.



                  Nothing to report


New Business

                  Special Patrol Officer Jeremy Stone attended the meeting to give us a lot of tips and to answer

                  some of our concerns.

                  1) In regards to parking in the street: He said legally our streets our public streets and it is legal

                  to park in the streets as long as they do not block driveways and do not obstruct the flow of


                  2) Low speed vehicles such as golf carts are illegal in our area. Call the police if you see them

                  on the streets or on the side of the roads. The only golf carts that are legal are ones that fit the

                  following criteria: hours of operation are between the hours of sunrise to sunset; are equipped

                  with headlights, brake lights, turn signals, and a windshield, efficient brakes, reliable steering

                  apparatus, safe tires, a rearview mirror, and red reflectorized warning devices in both the

                  front and rear. Noone under the age of 14 can operate a golf carton public roads or streets.

                  Other laws pertaining to low-speed vehicles:  Operated only on roads posted 35 miles per

                  hour or less. Must be equipped with headlamps, stop lamps, turn signal lamps, taillamps,

                  reflex reflectors, parking brakes, rearview mirrors, windshields, seat belts, and vehicle

                  identification numbers. Must be registered and insured  and operator must have in their

                  possession a valid driver's license. In the interest of safety can be prohibited.

                  3)  ATV's are illegal in our area. Call the police if you see them on the streets or on the

                  side of the roads. Restrictions are as follows: no person under 16 years of age shall

                  operate or ride the vehicle without a safety helmet and eye protection. May not

                  be operated upon the public roads or streets or on the sides of roads or streets.

                  4) Identity theft: 37 cases of identity theft have been reported just in our area alone. The

                  officer does not believe that it is from our mailboxes. It was suggested that on the internet,

                  when the title companies put the warranty deeds of the homeowners on the internet they

                  included the social security numbers. To check your info and to have anything removed

                  that you don't want on the internet, go to: www.broward.org/records . He suggested

                  investing in a monthly credit monitoring plan as a safeguard.

                  5) We discussed that we are paying to have our streets patrolled and whether a speed

                  sign on the sign of the road would be beneficial since so many people speed down our

                  main roads in our development. The officer asked for volunteers for the sign to be in

                  front of their houses.                     

                  6) We discussed the solicitation going on in our neighborhood and he said since our roads

                  are a public thoroughfare it is harder to deal with legally. The solicitors do need to have

                  permits to go door to door.

                  7) We are in need of Crime Watch signs. Crime watch educates you, motivates you to

                  be a witness, if you see something, you call the police. The officer suggested putting it in

                  a blog.

                  8) Mediation: there is no state statue of harassment; do not confront anybody; you have

                  to have proof - you cannot create evidence.

                  9) Officer White gave us some literature that will be posted on the website.


Meeting adjourned at 8:46 pm by Tina Franetic, John Ayala seconded the motion. 

These minutes accepted and approved by: John Ayala

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