Waverly Hundred Homeowner’s Meeting
October 27, 2004
Meeting called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Warren Hamer
Those present: Warren Hamer, Frank Milone and Nancy Baker
Warren began meeting by stating that Teresa has the minutes from the last meeting and could not be read. Those minutes will be reviewed in December. There won’t be a November meeting as it would take place the night before Thanksgiving.
Treasurer’s report : $Balance is $54,693.88 Warren stated that we are doing very well with budget.
It was reported that Alan Hollinger sent letter of violation – nothing really to report. Warren sent one note of violation.
Trees on Dykes Road – Alan reported that to complete the tree line on Dykes with bubblers – the estimated cost would be $2300 as maximum expenditure. Nancy made a motion for $2300 as max expenditure to have the trees put in. Warren suggested maximum expenditure of $3,000. Frank seconded and all were in favor.
Hector Castro, with the Town of Davie, has been checking the property behind Pat Lanastro’s house. It was agreed that Pat would get Hector’s phone number so that direct communication could be made to expedite and remediate problems with fencing, etc. on that property.
Frank sent letter of fence and concrete slab September 26 to house on first cul-de-sac entering from Stirling Road – no problems with materials but with location of fence. Warren will check property and contact attorney with copy of Frank’s letter. No response from owner. Attorney said we have to act and take a stand. It was agreed that an extra 30 days would be granted the homeowner to remove the fence. If not action is made by the homeowner, WHHA would then contact attorney for further legal action.
It was stated that there was nothing to report from Jonathan. Trying to get copy of insurance policy.
It was decided that at the December meeting the budget for 2005 would be discussed. It was suggested by Fred Uloa, who was in the audience that the minutes of each meeting be put on the website the weekend following the meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Minutes read and approved this day of ,2004 by