Ivanhoe Waverly Hundred HOA Meeting October 28, 2009
Meeting was called to order at 7:31 pm by Val O'Connor, seconded by John Ayala.
Board of Directors in attendance: Val O'Connor, John Ayala, Levi Tyler, and Paul Musser.
3 people in attendance.
Treasury Report - Val O'Connor
End of month Bank Balance for September $68,162.54
5700.62 checks written
Facility Maintenance - Paul Musser
Nothing to report.
Violations- John and Levi
There was a discussion about whether violations that have been occurring
for years and not dealt with previously, was it worthwhile to go after people
now after it's been ok all these years. Examples were shrubbery, satellite
dishes and the like. There was a lot of questions about what the property
management company was going to go after, whether violations would be
grandfathered in or not. The most important thing to remember is that they
work for us, we don't work for them, so there is nothing to fear from them.
If we don't like what they are doing we can tell them or we can fire them.
Not at meeting, nothing to report.
Town of Davie-Tina
Tina not at meeting.
The no soliciting signs and crime watch signs still need to be ordered.
Nothing to report.
New Business
Sign needed for park saying Dogs allowed on leashes only and it is
Mandatory to clean up after them. The sign will be ordered by Levi.
The tree in the front entrance needs to come out because it keeps getting
zapped by the power lines and is not growing correctly. A vote was taken
to have it removed by the new landscaping company who has agreed to
do it for $500.
The sprinkler pump needs to be moved out of the homeowner's house
who lives at the Dykes Rd. entrance. If the landscaper/sprinkler company
can do it, they will move it which will alleviate people from having to go
into his backyard locked gate everytime there is a problem.
The contract for the landscaper needs to be signed and picked up.
Assessments need to go out next month as well as the newsletter and the
new budget.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm by Val O'Connor, Paul Musser seconded the motion.