Waverly Hundred HOA
Minutes of Meeting September 28, 2005
Meeting called to order at 7:37 p.m.
Present: Warren Hamer, Jonathan Klein and Nancy Baker
Due to unavailability of minutes from previous meeting, none were read.
Treasurers Report: Current Balance $69,145.76 information provided for full disclosure to all present
Warren related that two collections not paid, sent and e-mail to Jon other did not pay legal fees. Warren said to pursue action as it is the same person every year.
Violations Warren said he issued 38 violations for the year. Alan has a bunch. Jon mentioned a car parked - Black Mazda, which Warren will check. Jon also said that there a trash can left out Warren will check.
Architecture Frank not in attendance.
Facility Maintenance Alan working on getting estimate for landscaping. Warren suggested Alan call David Ogg of DEO to discuss landscaping who attended meeting. It was proposed to remove two palm trees at Stirling Road and 2 trees in island at Dykes Rd. David will research removal of palm trees and bring further information to October meeting.
Addendum additional funding for landscaping maintenance due to increase in cost of fuel automatic changing of plants to an increase of $100. for remainder of year. Motion made to budget $750 for next year. Motion accepted.
After discussing landscaping options, David said he would bring his computer and more information to October meeting.
Town of Davie No Business
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Minutes approved and accepted this day of 2005