SEPTEMBER 28, 2011
DATE: Wednesday, September 28, 2011
TIME: 7:30 P.M.
LOCATION: Ivanhoe Community Center
6101 SW 148th Avenue
Davie, Florida 33331
Pursuant to call upon proper notice, the meeting of the Board of Directors was held on September 28, 2011.
PRESENT: Tina Franetic-President; John Ayala-Director; Kathie Carlisle-Secretary; Mike Hapsas-Director
ALSO PRESENT: Lori Blitz- Exclusive Property Management
Tina Franetic, President called the meeting to order at 7:46 PM having established a quorum.
The Financial Statement for the period ending August 31, 2011 was reviewed.
A MOTION was made by Tina Franetic to approve the minutes from July 27, 2011 with a 2nd by Mike Hapsas and APPROVED by Tina Franetic. APPROVED
A MOTION was made by John Ayala to renew the General Liability Policy WS124604 with a 2nd by Mike Hapsas and APPROVED by Tina Franetic. APPROVED
Tree trimming for the common areas is needed. It was agreed to complete the association’s tree trimming before issuing violations to residents for tree trimming.
A MOTION was made by Michael Hapsas to approve the Pan American Landscaping tree trimming proposal in its entirety as long as the Town of Davie confirms that the trees bordering Dykes and the 3 trees by the Water Treatment Plant are the Association responsibility. A 2nd was offered by John Ayala and all in favor. APPROVED 4:4
The Property Manager advised that several signs throughout the community have cob webs and need to be cleaned. The Board requested that Pan American Landscaping is contacted to blow off any webs next time they are on site performing maintenance.
The Articles of Incorporation paperwork to confirm the current officers of the association has been completed and is being submitted to the State for recording.
The Board and Property Manager addressed several concerns regarding the community and specific violation concerns.
The Property Manager advised that the attorney is in the process of handling a violation issue on Chillingsworth Lane and Olde Moat Way.
A Motion to ADJOURN was made by Mike Hapsas with a 2nd by Tina at 8:42PM.
Respectfully submitted
Lori Blitz, Exclusive Property Management